Devlog 3: Learning from mistakes

Devlog 3:

We are back with a new week of updates on our prototype.

More changes have been made to the original idea to make the game more interesting and fun in general. Last week we talked about the vehicle on a 1 way lane, this now has been revamped to a train on track. The obstacles are still there but now they block the train tracks.

Enemy wise there are still drones attacking the train, but now come in a form of a swarm that players have to fend off using the turrets on the wagons of the train. If the players are unable to destroy all the drones some of them will fly over the train so watch your head because they have a surprise for you, they drop dangerous objects.

Yet with all these changes the core of the game stays the same, fend off enemies and make sure you arrive at the end of the level in 1 piece.


Artbible update:

We got some feedback on the artbible, we made mistakes but that is okay since now we’ve learned so much more on how to properly start making an artbible.


Mechanics update:

We made some of the mechanics more alive and goofy. How did we do this?

Well with extinguishing the fire for example we will make the fire hop around when hit by the foam of the extinguisher for the first time, this will add more fun to the player.

With the damage on the floor we added a spring to it and if the player isn’t holding the wrench the spring will fling the player off the train losing a live. We also added some more button presses to certain mechanics to make it less of a ‘1 button fix’.

New camera angle:

Here can you the camera angle we chose, this angle provides us the space to let the drones fly towards the train while also keeping space for the players to walk around in the train and keep it up and running until you reach the end of the level.

The bottom right screen will be a front view camera of the train, here you will see the obstacle on the tracks, this way we can visually show the players a simple explosion of them successfully destroying it.

New prototype:

This week we prototyped some of the main tasks that the players will be frantically attempting to complete to keep the train running and mostly in one piece.

Most crucial of all is being able to pick up your tools. The player may choose between the exciting choices of wrench and fire extinguisher with more to come. In the future they will also be able to pick up artillery shells and ammunition boxes to fuel the weapons of destruction of their dreams.

A basic fire has been implemented that will jump around and can be extinguished by pointing the spray in its direction.

The wrench may be used to bash the floor back into shape or gently coaxing a turret back into running order. Currently the player does not visually swing the wrench. Repairs are done by bringing the wrench close to the floor, holding the A button on your Xbox controller and then pressing the corresponding D-pad button to seal the deal. The turret will simply begin working again in the presence of the wrench but we will be making the task more complex in the future.



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