Devlog 9: Polish week!

The Finale!

We're almost there, polish week has just wrapped up! Let's go over the updates we made.

1. Post Processing

We played around with the post processing in our level quite a lot to make sure everything pops and feels coherent with each other just that bit more. It also helped players focus more on what needs to be focused on with subtle vignettes and color changes.

2. Sound

SOUND! We finally added sound in our game! This will add so much life into everything and give players a way better feeling of both player feedback as well as just the whole vibe of the game!

3. Small updates

3.1. Floating Pattern

The floating in both our scoreboard and health bar have been updated so that the pattern feels somewhat random, therefore less repetitive.

They also get a knockback response to drones hitting the tower!

3.2. Drone updates

The drones have been made a bit more dark now to help players see them better from a distance. They were lightblue before and almost blended in with the clouds, this is why this was a necessary change.
We also matched up the emissive lenses of the drones better.

3.3. Wind effect

We now have little wind strands roaming the level.

3.4. Turret updates

Our turret now knocks back on each shot to show give players better feedback that they are in fact shooting (if it wasnt obvious already).

The barrel also spins to give it even more life.

3.5. Start menu update

The start menu now has different improved lighting and decoration to give an arcade-like retro feeling.


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