Devlog 10: The Grand Finale!

Welcome, brave recruits of Team Turbo! It's hard to believe we've reached the end of our development journey, but here we are. Our game, now polished and complete, is ready to blast its way into your hands. Let's dive into the final updates we've made in this exciting half-week.

The Trailer is Here!

First and foremost, we're thrilled to announce that the trailer for our game is live! You can watch it right now to get a taste of the high-octane action and chaotic fun that awaits you. We poured our hearts into capturing the essence of Team Turbo, and we hope it gets you as hyped as we are.

The Final Polish

1. Presentation Pitch

Our team has been hard at work preparing a comprehensive presentation to pitch our game to a jury. We've highlighted the core aspects of our game to ensure our vision shines through clearly and compellingly.

2. New Muzzle Flash

We've added a satisfying muzzle flash to the turrets. Now, every shot fired is accompanied by a bright, fiery burst, making the combat feel even more intense and rewarding.

3. Sound Design Overhaul

Sound is the soul of any game, and we've enriched ours with:

  • Background Music: Setting the tone for your epic battles.
  • Game Start Sound: A thrilling audio cue to kick off the action.
  • Turret Firing Sounds: Each bullet fired is accompanied by a robust sound effect.
  • Explosive Bullet Sound: Feel the power as your bullets make an impact.
  • Drone Hit Sounds: Audible feedback when you successfully hit a drone.
  • Menu Navigation Sounds: Smooth and satisfying sounds as you navigate the menus.

4. Scoreboard and Health Bar Dynamics

The scoreboard and health bar now hover independently, creating a more dynamic and visually interesting environment. They also react with knockback responses when drones crash into the tower, adding to the immersive experience.

5. Bug Fixes and Balancing

We've ironed out the final bugs to ensure smooth gameplay:

  • Invisible Wall for Drones: Drones can no longer breach the skyscraper once destroyed.
  • Secure Fire Extinguisher: No more falling off the skyscraper, ensuring you always have the tools you need.
  • Increased Split Bullets: Turrets can now hold more split bullets for better gameplay balance.

6. Splash Screen

At the start of the game, you'll now see a splash screen featuring the DAE logo, the Team Turbo logo, the Unreal logo, and the names of the developers.

A Word of Gratitude

We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our supervisors, Alex Vanden Abeele and Tristan Clarysse, for their invaluable guidance throughout this journey. Your insights and support have been instrumental in bringing Team Turbo to life.

Shoutout to our incredible team:

  • Artists: Bisong LaForce and Tibo Callewaert – Your creativity and dedication have given our game its unique and vibrant look.
  • Programmers: Chai Leng Tan Lim and Rik De Prins – Your hard work and technical prowess have made this chaotic fun possible.

Thanks for joining us on this incredible journey, and we hope to see you defending the skies with Team Turbo soon. Until then, keep your turrets loaded and your spirits high.

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29 days ago


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