Devlog 7: Upgrades!

Devlog 7: Upgrading!

The world is constantly changing and so is our game. Some plans had to leave and new ideas had to fill up the empty spots.

Let us guide you through the changes:

1. Shooting the turret:

First of all BIG upgrade the turret, literally. We are going to be focusing more on the shooting mechanic of our game and really try to enhance and improve it by adding side mechanics that gameplay wise support it.

The turrets are now almost triple in size. For reference the console is close to the size of the player character. We already felt like the game was somehow more fun by just seeing you shoot with a big turret and to give the player some interaction feedback we also added some extra small changes.

  • Controller rumble when interacting with the turret
  • The turret body moves up & down when in use or not in use 

2. Improving the shooting:

To help the gameplay of the core mechanic we implented different bullet types that can be equipped by running over a pickup. On the left we have the exploding bullet that can take out multiple drones in a radius and on the right we have the split bullet which makes you able to shoot bullets in 3 directions now. That will surely help you survive the attack.

3. No more train:

We removed the train from the level with the biggest reason being: It doesn't feel like you are standing on a train... We decided to switch over to something in the genre of a skyscraper, defending the world from the top of your building. Currently this is not finished as it does take time to adapt to a new idea for the looks.

4. Balancing the game:

This is our hardest task for the game right now. Testing everything, constantly switching up values, just finding that sweet spot to make it difficult but winnable is what makes our game more fun. This is something that will take a very long time to perfect; If it's even possible to perfect?


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