Devlog 6: The heat is getting higher

Welcome to your first training session, brave new recruits of Team Turbo.

This week we'll cover danger prevention.

Help, the deck's on fire!

Quickly grab a fire extinguisher before the train goes up in smoke.

I'm out!

To add fuel to the fire, turrets can now run out of bullets. Better keep that in mind before deciding to go full Rambo.

The all-restoring hammer

Do you have a hole in your train or is a turret low on bullets, fret not for the all-restoring hammer will certainly be of use. Moving towards the damage or turret and pressing the right trigger will restore all damage.

We respect your identity

We recognize every member of Team Turbo as their own unique individual. Therefore, we assign a distinct color to each member in order to identify themselves.

Team Turbo, victory is ours!

When Team Turbo manages to stand their ground against the drone waves for 2 minutes, the team will be greeted with a message informing that the team has won. However, if the drone army manages to overwhelm the sky train, a message will appear informing that the team has lost.


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